I get it i get it mister woolworths you dont have to drop the prices any further or build any more or any bigger displays...i concede. I will feed my kid formula & wrap his bum in plastic nappies & wash him & Johnson & Johnsons chemicals & in 15 years he'll be conditioned enough for you to hire, ok.
I recently popped into Woolworths & was flabberghasted at the 2 very large displays right at the front of the store of huggies, nestle formula & Johnson & Johnson no more tears. Oh for fuck sake!!!
This is not a comment directed at mums who are unable to breast feed. But i'll slot this in anyways so theres no misunderstanding.
There is huge a problem in our society when a grocery store is telling us this is what we need...must have for our babies. It seems like you have to be swinging from the hippy vines to find information on a lot of 'different' products, choices & options these days...worst still is that the things that are so natural for mums to do are now seen as 'alternative' or left of centre...what bollocks..co-sleeping, baby wearing (physical contact), breastfeeding, baby led solids, elimination communication (no/ less nappies)...whether we practice them or not these are techniques our species was built on for thousands & thousands of years until recently. Only in the western world has this changed in favour of more 'convenient' products & techniques.
We are being disabled as mummies right in front of our noses & no one says a thing. We are being disconnected from our babies when they need us the most & we dont even realise it. If your baby is crying, its not 'cos hes spoiled & is going to manipulate you, its becasue he has a need that his mummy should meet.
I personally believe that so many mummies feel guilty or inadequate as parents because they are no longer able to meet their babies natural needs & innately this must be known or felt by the parent aswell as the child. I feel corporations & society have taken a lot of our belief in our own ability away from us & have replaced it with their bells & whistles that require frills & pearls...our babies dont need bells & whistles & frills & pearls just get in the way...they need their mummies. They need us to hold them & to reassure them that we are always there, they need us to meet their needs not give them distractions & expensive solutions.
Writing this i realised why i was so pissed by the woolworths displays. As a mother I feel undermined. I do not feel supported by the world that i live in. Every where i go i feel existance telling me i can't.
I despise you Woolies & all you stand for.
"...the truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them... a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, ...a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create - so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, their very breath is cut off... They must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency they are not really alive unless they are creating'.-Pearl S. Buck
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